Missing OLMC Alumni
Do you know where any of these missing alumni are? Please help us find them and bring them back home to our family at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School.
If you should have any information on any of these alumni, please go to alumni registration and please provide any information that you may have on locating them. We thank you kindly!
Class of 62 | Age 69 | |
Abenante | Shirley | 1962 |
Angelicola | David | 1962 |
Barbino | Joseph | 1962 |
Becce | Susan | 1962 |
Bozzuto | Joanne | 1962 |
Caiazzo | Donald | 1962 |
Comardo | Mary Ellen | 1962 |
Croce | Michael | 1962 |
DiChiara | Sylvia | 1962 |
DuBoise | John | 1962 |
Fasanelli | Richard | 1962 |
Lucewicz | John | 1962 |
Masch | Donald | 1962 |
Poidomani | Nancy | 1962 |
Staneski | Joan | 1962 |
Topazio | Robert | 1962 |
Zollo | James | 1962 |
Class of 63 | Age 68 | |
Ciarlo | Sandra | 1963 |
D'Antino | Philomena | 1963 |
DeFrancesco | Sharon | 1963 |
DuBois | Ann Marie | 1963 |
Lantieri | Joseph | 1963 |
Napomiceno | Priscilla | 1963 |
Pannone | Barbara | 1963 |
Class of 64 | Age 67 | |
Bavone | Virginia | 1964 |
Bellino | Ann Marie | 1964 |
Cammisa | Rosemarie | 1964 |
Cappelli | Diane | 1964 |
DelBuono | MaryAnn | 1964 |
DelGazio | Elizabeth | 1964 |
DeMarino | Mary | 1964 |
DeNicola | Susan | 1964 |
DiBiase | Jane | 1964 |
DiBiase | Michael | 1964 |
Dionisio | Arthur | 1964 |
Ferrare | Daniel | 1964 |
Galullo | Joan | 1964 |
Gery | Janice | 1964 |
Gillis | Thomas | 1964 |
Manzolli | Christopher | 1964 |
Mariano | Carol | 1964 |
Masch | Dennis | 1964 |
Nadeau | Ann Marie | 1964 |
Palladino | Phyllis | 1964 |
Perruccio | Rosemary | 1964 |
Rossi | John | 1964 |
Scaviola | Barbara | 1964 |
Scoffone | Nancy | 1964 |
Solomito | Karen | 1964 |
Spinelli | Diane | 1964 |
Stango | Robert | 1964 |
Traonetta | John | 1964 |
Trigilia | Deborah | 1964 |
Zotter | Paul | 1964 |
Class of 65 | Age 66 | |
Altieri | Michael | 1965 |
Andolina | Amelia | 1965 |
Banno | Elise | 1965 |
Bozzuto | Nicholas | 1965 |
Coviello | Marie | 1965 |
Crocco | Barbara | 1965 |
Dantino | Linda | 1965 |
Dellano | Arthur | 1965 |
DiMaria | Carmella | 1965 |
Faiia | Anthony | 1965 |
Famiglietti | Geraldine | 1965 |
Ferrer | Lynn | 1965 |
Fitzmaurice | Sean | 1965 |
Fontano | Grace | 1965 |
Iacoviello | Sandra | 1965 |
Marzinotto | Paul | 1965 |
Natale | Irene | 1965 |
Petrucci | Eleanor | 1965 |
Piccolo | Eleanor | 1965 |
Pirro | Michela | 1965 |
Richard | Janice | 1965 |
Rosa | Anita | 1965 |
Russo | Thomas | 1965 |
Salerno | Donald | 1965 |
Salvatore | Paula | 1965 |
Sambuco | Donna | 1965 |
Sforza | Marie | 1965 |
Stango | Michael | 1965 |
Teubner | Margaret | 1965 |
Thomas | Kathleen | 1965 |
Tremaglio | Donald | 1965 |
Tremaglio | Geraldine | 1965 |
Vitone | Jacqueline | 1965 |
Class of 66 | Age 65 | |
Anelli | Carol | 1966 |
Anelli | Robert | 1966 |
Becce | Cynthia | 1966 |
Carusello | David | 1966 |
Cavalieri | Donna | 1966 |
Celozzi | Lois | 1966 |
Ciochetti | Robert | 1966 |
DePucchio | Christine | 1966 |
Dionisio | Carol | 1966 |
Diorio | Paul | 1966 |
Fazio | Francis | 1966 |
Lionello | Kenneth | 1966 |
Mangini | Cynthia | 1966 |
Pino | Mary Ann | 1966 |
Poidomani | Elaine | 1966 |
Polakowski | Joanne | 1966 |
Sprano | Gary | 1966 |
Synott | William | 1966 |
Tata | Edward | 1966 |
Tremaglio | Toni | 1966 |
Class of 67 | Age 64 | |
Andolina | Michael | 1967 |
Boccardi | Jacqueline | 1967 |
Borzino | Cynthia | 1967 |
Calo | Francis | 1967 |
Cianciulli | Mary E. | 1967 |
Colasanto | Elliott | 1967 |
Constanti | Calaudia | 1967 |
Cruciani | Thomas | 1967 |
D'Amico | Kevin | 1967 |
DelBuono | Barbara | 1967 |
DeMarino | Margaret | 1967 |
Donovan | Paul | 1967 |
Fazi | Maria | 1967 |
Foti | Domenic | 1967 |
Gaudiosi | Helene | 1967 |
Geraci | Joseph | 1967 |
Giannelli | Stephen | 1967 |
Hale | Dennis | 1967 |
Hale | Karen | 1967 |
Iannelli | Anita | 1967 |
Infanti | Donna | 1967 |
Magaraci | Victoria | 1967 |
Manderino | Charles | 1967 |
Paternostro | Thomas | 1967 |
Piccolo | Gaetana | 1967 |
Poidomani | John | 1967 |
Schiavone | Lynn | 1967 |
Staneski | John | 1967 |
Teubner | Patricia | 1967 |
Vendetti | Anthony | 1967 |
Vitone | Joseph | 1967 |
Wiseman | Jeanne | 1967 |
Class of 68 | Age 63 | |
Amodeo | Marian | 1968 |
Andolina | Joseph | 1968 |
Arnone | Ronald | 1968 |
Bacchiocchi | Lois | 1968 |
Bonaldi | Linda | 1968 |
Bredice | Robert | 1968 |
Bullis | Marion | 1968 |
Caiazzo | Paula | 1968 |
Carpentiere | Richard | 1968 |
Carpini | Celeste | 1968 |
Cimaglio | Marian | 1968 |
Cipriano | Robert | 1968 |
Cipriano | Ronald | 1968 |
Colangelo | Jean | 1968 |
Colasanto | Eric | 1968 |
Colautti | Wanda | 1968 |
Croce | Ronald | 1968 |
DelBuono | Joseph | 1968 |
DeNicola | Michele | 1968 |
DiBiase | Gloria | 1968 |
Durso | Gus | 1968 |
Esposito | Gina | 1968 |
Ferrer | Gail | 1968 |
Fornito | Joseph | 1968 |
Frenza | Domenic | 1968 |
Galante | Karen | 1968 |
Grosso | Robert | 1968 |
Leo | Ann Marie | 1968 |
Manderino | Elizabeth | 1968 |
Mangini | David | 1968 |
Mastroianni | John | 1968 |
Padaigas | Cynthia | 1968 |
Pavio | Judith | 1968 |
Pettinicchi | William | 1968 |
Pino | Leslie | 1968 |
Puzas | William | 1968 |
Ricciuto | Susan | 1968 |
Ritucci | Louis | 1968 |
Sambuco | Dori | 1968 |
Stanley | Ellen | 1968 |
Thomas | John | 1968 |
Topazio | Raymond | 1968 |
Tremaglio | Everdine | 1968 |
Tremaglio | Ralph | 1968 |
Triglia | Paul | 1968 |
Vendetti | Joseph | 1968 |
Zarrella | Dennis | 1968 |
Class of 69 | Age 62 | |
Accuosti | Mary | 1969 |
Amodeo | Michael | 1969 |
Augelli | Donald | 1969 |
Bacchiocchi | Joanne | 1969 |
Bagley | David | 1969 |
Becce | Nicholas | 1969 |
Boccardi | Ann | 1969 |
Cavalieri | Patricia | 1969 |
Cipriano | Susan | 1969 |
Codianni | Marie | 1969 |
Davino | Laurie | 1969 |
DelVecchio | Paula | 1969 |
Denze | Debbie Ann | 1969 |
DiMaria | Palma | 1969 |
DiVito | Gary | 1969 |
Famiglietti | Rosemary | 1969 |
Ferrare | Thomas | 1969 |
Galullo | Kathy Ann | 1969 |
Giannelli | Linda | 1969 |
Gugliotti | Patricia | 1969 |
Guisto | Gary | 1969 |
Guisto | Vincent | 1969 |
Izzi | Daniel | 1969 |
Jannelli | Reginald | 1969 |
Karas | Joseph | 1969 |
Koch | Mark | 1969 |
Lawson | Donna Marie | 1969 |
LoSchiavo | Peter | 1969 |
Lucian | Matthew | 1969 |
Mancinone | David | 1969 |
Mancuso | Christine | 1969 |
Mariano | Sandra | 1969 |
Marzinotto | Robert | 1969 |
Maturo | Nicholas | 1969 |
Merola | Marie | 1969 |
Moffa | Joseph | 1969 |
Montenero | Giannina | 1969 |
Morea | Deborah | 1969 |
Pavone | Roseanne | 1969 |
Perrotti | Carmine | 1969 |
Perugini | Audrey | 1969 |
Piccolo | Joseph | 1969 |
Pizzuto | Lori | 1969 |
Pontelandolfo | Karen | 1969 |
Recchia | Anthony | 1969 |
Ricciardi | Roseanne | 1969 |
Rinaldi | Francesca | 1969 |
Rosa | Albert | 1969 |
Rossi | Stephen | 1969 |
Russo | Linda | 1969 |
Santos | Marie | 1969 |
Senk | David | 1969 |
Spaulding | Donald | 1969 |
Stango | Audrey | 1969 |
Thomas | Carmel | 1969 |
Valente | John | 1969 |
Viola | Anthony | 1969 |
Class of 70 | Age 61 | |
Accuosti | Therese | 1970 |
Allegrini | Maria | 1970 |
Altieri | James | 1970 |
Altieri | Jane | 1970 |
Armour | Martin | 1970 |
Bagley | Richard | 1970 |
Battaglia | Concetta | 1970 |
Bisconti | Michael | 1970 |
Boisvert | Thomas | 1970 |
Calabrese | Thomas | 1970 |
Capozzi | Henry | 1970 |
Carusello | Patricia | 1970 |
Cherubino | Lucy | 1970 |
Cherubino | Maryann | 1970 |
Clark | Theresa | 1970 |
DelGatti | Phyllis | 1970 |
DePucchio | Barbara | 1970 |
Faiia | Teresa | 1970 |
Fiorucci | David | 1970 |
Forino | Ann Marie | 1970 |
Giacomi | Linda | 1970 |
Giordano | Pamela | 1970 |
Grosso | James | 1970 |
Henderson | Suzanne | 1970 |
Lacilla | Richard | 1970 |
Lanteri | Lois | 1970 |
Leone | Teresa Ann | 1970 |
LeRose | Mark | 1970 |
Maffia | Frank | 1970 |
Mangini | Lynn | 1970 |
Marano | Scott | 1970 |
Misenti | Nancy | 1970 |
Moffa | Patricia | 1970 |
Natale | Joseph | 1970 |
Perrotti | Diane | 1970 |
Perrotti | Annette | 1970 |
Puzas | Mary | 1970 |
Raimo | Terri-Jo | 1970 |
Rinaldi | Jayne | 1970 |
Rizzuti | Mary Beth | 1970 |
Rodriguez | Ann | 1970 |
Santa Lucia | Ann | 1970 |
Stango | Stephen | 1970 |
Synott | Margaret | 1970 |
Thomes | Kathleen | 1970 |
Tremaglio | Patti | 1970 |
Vellucci | Suzanne | 1970 |
Vendetti | Pamela | 1970 |
Yuskis | Charles | 1970 |
Zarrella | Gerald | 1970 |
Class of 71 | Age 60 | |
Accuosti | John | 1971 |
Accuosti | Joan | 1971 |
Agostine | James | 1971 |
Albino | Theresa | 1971 |
Amodeo | James | 1971 |
Atterrato | Cynthia | 1971 |
Aurio | Sandra | 1971 |
Colasanto | Elisa | 1971 |
Devino | John | 1971 |
Diorio | Ralph | 1971 |
Famiglietti | Barbara | 1971 |
Galante | William | 1971 |
Goad | Keith | 1971 |
Graziano | Karen | 1971 |
Gugliotti | Susan | 1971 |
Ingala | Joseph | 1971 |
Koch | Peter | 1971 |
Leo | George | 1971 |
Leone | Ralph | 1971 |
Lombardo | Antoinette | 1971 |
Mancini | Florence | 1971 |
Marano | Richard | 1971 |
Maturo | Catherine | 1971 |
Mella | David | 1971 |
Migliaro | Scott | 1971 |
Milano | Susan | 1971 |
Natale | John | 1971 |
Palladino | Susan | 1971 |
Pavone | Paul | 1971 |
Petta | Dale | 1971 |
Piccolo | Richard | 1971 |
Purcaro | Frances | 1971 |
Rinaldi | Jacklyn | 1971 |
Rosa | Carl | 1971 |
Rousseau | Robert | 1971 |
Ryan | Michael | 1971 |
Santopietro | Clara Louise | 1971 |
Sanzone | David | 1971 |
Solomita | Nancy | 1971 |
Stanley | Mark | 1971 |
Stokes | Sandra | 1971 |
Testa | Marianne | 1971 |
Tremaglio | Ralph | 1971 |
Turro | Philip | 1971 |
Vendetti | Teresa | 1971 |
Class of 72 | Age 59 | |
Albini | Salvatore | 1972 |
Albino | Anthony | 1972 |
Boccardi | Regina | 1972 |
Bozzuto | Mark | 1972 |
Briglia | Anne | 1972 |
Calo | Sandra | 1972 |
Calzone | Anthony | 1972 |
Calzone | Angela | 1972 |
Carnaroli | Lisa | 1972 |
Colangelo | Richard | 1972 |
D'Angelo | Catherine | 1972 |
Dest | Cheryl | 1972 |
DiPietro | Marisa | 1972 |
DiPietro | Mary Ann | 1972 |
Favit | Sandra | 1972 |
Florio | Deborah | 1972 |
Fornito | Nancy | 1972 |
Gleason | Thomas | 1972 |
Iacoviello | Gerald | 1972 |
Innaimo | John | 1972 |
Kearney | Kevin | 1972 |
Lamitola | Patricia | 1972 |
LoSchiavo | Lori | 1972 |
Migliarese | Josephine | 1972 |
Natale | Sandra | 1972 |
Paolino | Loren | 1972 |
Pirro | Renata | 1972 |
Pontelandolfo | Donna | 1972 |
Puzas | Jill | 1972 |
Riccuito | Nicholas | 1972 |
Rubbo | Julia | 1972 |
Russo | Lori | 1972 |
Sarnataro | Raffaela | 1972 |
Scascitelli | Doreen | 1972 |
Solomita | Cheryl | 1972 |
Synott | Susan | 1972 |
Tacinelli | Janice | 1972 |
Terni | Nancy | 1972 |
Tremaglio | John | 1972 |
Tremaglio | Teresa | 1972 |
Tremaglio | Thomas | 1972 |
Valente | David | 1972 |
Varrone | Madelyn | 1972 |
Vellucci | Peter | 1972 |
Vitarelli | Michael | 1972 |
Class of 73 | Age 58 | |
Agostine | Maria | 1973 |
Ainsworth | Colleen | 1973 |
Calzone | Angela | 1973 |
Caporale | James | 1973 |
Cipriano | Pamela | 1973 |
Colasanto | Eloise | 1973 |
Cutillo | Brian | 1973 |
DelGatti | Kelly | 1973 |
DeZinno | Dolores | 1973 |
DiManno | Lisa | 1973 |
Galante | Ernest | 1973 |
Garafola | Dennis | 1973 |
Giacomi | Cynthia | 1973 |
Iacoviello | Linda | 1973 |
Keene | Kathy | 1973 |
Lacilla | Patricia | 1973 |
LaMattino | Karen | 1973 |
Leone | Ronald | 1973 |
Longo | Loretta | 1973 |
Mancini | Robert | 1973 |
McDermott | Judith | 1973 |
Merola | Patricia | 1973 |
Milano | Donna | 1973 |
Misenti | Lori | 1973 |
Padaigas | Edward | 1973 |
Perrotti | Marie | 1973 |
Perrotti | Robin | 1973 |
Piccochi | John | 1973 |
Ricard | Cynthia | 1973 |
Rinaldi | Theresa | 1973 |
Rossi | Cheryl Anne | 1973 |
Ryan | Joyce | 1973 |
Sarnataro | Gennaro | 1973 |
Stango | Doria | 1973 |
Suria | Carmel | 1973 |
Tremaglio | Diane | 1973 |
Zarrella | Teresa | 1973 |
Class of 74 | Age 57 | |
Albini | Gloriann | 1974 |
Albino | Brenda | 1974 |
Becce | Jo-Ann | 1974 |
Bozzuto | Mary Ellen | 1974 |
Briglia | Rosemary | 1974 |
Bullis | Mary | 1974 |
Bylo | Maryann | 1974 |
Carnaroli | Lynn | 1974 |
Carpentieri | Theresa | 1974 |
Catanesi | Bryan | 1974 |
Cherubino | Mario | 1974 |
Cipriano | Frances | 1974 |
Gloria | 1974 | |
Colautti | Diana | 1974 |
Cucciniello | Patricia | 1974 |
Cutillo | Diane | 1974 |
DelBuono | Sally Ann | 1974 |
DiSapio | Cathleen | 1974 |
DiVito | Donna | 1974 |
Doyon | Nina | 1974 |
Fischetti | Joseph | 1974 |
Fornito | John | 1974 |
Germond | Sherry | 1974 |
Grappone | James | 1974 |
Iannicelli | Silvia | 1974 |
Latone | Christine | 1974 |
LoCascio | Felicia | 1974 |
LoCascio | Mary Lisa | 1974 |
Lombardi | Nicholas | 1974 |
Malaspina | Stephen | 1974 |
Marano | Angela | 1974 |
Marano | Elizabeth | 1974 |
Moffo | Carmel | 1974 |
Pandolfe | Anthony | 1974 |
Pannone | Angelo | 1974 |
Paternostro | Kim | 1974 |
Pirro | Mary | 1974 |
Rinaldi | Elisa | 1974 |
Santos | Diane | 1974 |
Sarnataro | Gennaro | 1974 |
Zarrella | Susan | 1974 |
Class of 75 | Age 56 | |
Aucella | Joseph | 1975 |
Bergamo | Judith | 1975 |
Briglia | Carolyn | 1975 |
Calo | AnnaMarie | 1975 |
Capozzi | Joann | 1975 |
Carew | Theresa | 1975 |
Carpentieri | Michael | 1975 |
Carusello | Joann | 1975 |
Cutillo | Alane | 1975 |
D'Alessandro | Laura | 1975 |
Denze | Brenda | 1975 |
Famiglietti | Dara | 1975 |
Ferrer | Ann Marie | 1975 |
Forino | Mark | 1975 |
Lamitola | MaryBeth | 1975 |
Mancini | Michael | 1975 |
Mancini | Nicholas | 1975 |
Maturo | John | 1975 |
Moffo | Anna Rita | 1975 |
Moreno | Maureen | 1975 |
Natale | Susan | 1975 |
Natale | Michael | 1975 |
Pandolfe | Theresa | 1975 |
Panelli | David | 1975 |
Panelli | James | 1975 |
Pastizzo | Darlene | 1975 |
Petta | Vincent | 1975 |
Piccolo | Theresa | 1975 |
Polzella | Ralph | 1975 |
Recchia | Mary Jo | 1975 |
Riccuito | John | 1975 |
Sanda | Joseph | 1975 |
Scatena | Lisa | 1975 |
Schoenmehl | Lee Ann | 1975 |
Tremaglio | Elizabeth | 1975 |
Zarrella | Daniel | 1975 |
Class of 76 | Age 55 | |
Aurio | Michael | 1976 |
Boccuzzi | Judith | 1976 |
Brennan | Teresa | 1976 |
Ciccarelli | Maria | 1976 |
D'Amico | Brian | 1976 |
Dest | Frank | 1976 |
DiChiara | Diane | 1976 |
D'Occhio | Gina | 1976 |
Ferrucci | Michael | 1976 |
Forino | Steven | 1976 |
Gaudiosi | Paul | 1976 |
Genarelli | Kenneth | 1976 |
Goodwin | Sherri-Lynne | 1976 |
Kane | Diane | 1976 |
Mancini | John | 1976 |
Mancini | Mark | 1976 |
McGovern | Mary | 1976 |
Perrotti | Anthony | 1976 |
Polzella | Dolores | 1976 |
Rossi | Robert | 1976 |
Russell | Veronica | 1976 |
Sanda | Kevin | 1976 |
Sanzone | Marybeth | 1976 |
Valente | Carrie | 1976 |
Vallillo | Mark | 1976 |
Vicari | Salvatore | 1976 |
Whittaby | Tracey | 1976 |
Williams | Zina | 1976 |
Class of 77 | Age 54 | |
Addona | Joseph | 1977 |
Cucciniello | Diana | 1977 |
Dest | Edward | 1977 |
Doyon | Jill | 1977 |
Giannelli | Donna | 1977 |
Goad | Marcy | 1977 |
Gugliotti | Albert | 1977 |
Mancini | Lina | 1977 |
Musco | Maria | 1977 |
Piccolo | Teriann | 1977 |
Rosa | Christopher | 1977 |
Russell | Matthew | 1977 |
Santos | Rose | 1977 |
Sasso | Robert | 1977 |
Stanley | Marianne | 1977 |
Texiera | Tamy | 1977 |
Valerio | Juliann | 1977 |
Wilke | Harold | 1977 |
Class of 78 | Age 53 | |
Aurigemma | Costantino | 1978 |
Calo | Philip | 1978 |
Capozzi | Anthony | 1978 |
Carpentieri | Nancy | 1978 |
Cianciolo | Carla | 1978 |
Cornelio | Randal | 1978 |
Couture | Eileen | 1978 |
Cutillo | Judith | 1978 |
Daddona | Anita | 1978 |
Diaferio | MaryAnn | 1978 |
Fornito | James | 1978 |
Gaudiosi | Michael | 1978 |
Giannelli | John | 1978 |
Iannantuoni | Joseph | 1978 |
Largay | Suzanne | 1978 |
Lesieur | Antoinette | 1978 |
Mancini | Michael | 1978 |
Milo | Gerald | 1978 |
Moffo | John | 1978 |
Pandolfe | Elizabeth | 1978 |
Pizzuto | Margaret | 1978 |
Rinaldi | Michelina | 1978 |
Russell | Bridget | 1978 |
Scatena | Stephen | 1978 |
Tacinelli | Michael | 1978 |
Terni | Gary | 1978 |
Tremaglio | Jacqueline | 1978 |
Zarrella | Denise | 1978 |
Zotter | Joseph | 1978 |
Class of 79 | Age 52 | |
Gillespie | Robert | 1979 |
Latone | Philip | 1979 |
Muccino | Dean | 1979 |
Class of 80 | Age 51 | |
Bozzuto | Stephen | 1980 |
Calo | Catherine | 1980 |
Cianciolo | Donald | 1980 |
Coviello | Susan | 1980 |
Cucciniello | Sandra | 1980 |
DelGatti | Kimberly | 1980 |
Ferrucci | Robert | 1980 |
Giannelli | Pasquale | 1980 |
Gillespie | William | 1980 |
Mancini | David | 1980 |
Musco | John | 1980 |
Nanni | Frederic | 1980 |
Orlando | Vincent | 1980 |
Palladino | Richard | 1980 |
Reilly | Timothy | 1980 |
Rotella | Albert | 1980 |
Sidella | Laurie | 1980 |
Class of 81 | Age 50 | |
Ascione | Anne Marie | 1981 |
Carusello | Michael | 1981 |
Cristello | Maria | 1981 |
De Riu | Joseph | 1981 |
Foshini | Anthony | 1981 |
Iannantuoni | Michael | 1981 |
Kane | Robert | 1981 |
Lacilla | Kenneth | 1981 |
Largay | David | 1981 |
Lombardo | Frank J. | 1981 |
Milo | Christine | 1981 |
Pepice | Lucia | 1981 |
Sarnataro | Domenic | 1981 |
Sasso | John | 1981 |
Valente | Michael | 1981 |
Zappone | Mary Jean | 1981 |
Zarrella | Carla | 1981 |
Class of 82 | Age 49 | |
Batters | Robert | 1982 |
Berardi | Francis | 1982 |
Brown | Christopher | 1982 |
Brown | Eric | 1982 |
Coviello | Michael | 1982 |
Cretella | Ann Marie | 1982 |
Daddona | David | 1982 |
DeRosimo | John | 1982 |
Famiglietti | Michael | 1982 |
Giannelli | Joanne | 1982 |
Grosso | Michael | 1982 |
Jennings | Cheryl | 1982 |
Kelly | James | 1982 |
Lombardi | Steven | 1982 |
Pepice | Joseph | 1982 |
Perugini | David | 1982 |
Rinaldi | Paul | 1982 |
Skulski | Leslaw | 1982 |
Trocchi | Miriam | 1982 |
Valente | Marisa | 1982 |
Waldron | Dale | 1982 |
Class of 83 | Age 48 | |
Ascione | Joseph | 1983 |
Bellino | Joseph | 1983 |
Bengala | Julie | 1983 |
Ferrucci | Paul | 1983 |
Grosso | Sherrilyn | 1983 |
Guerrera | Tracy | 1983 |
Jasiulevicius | Marius | 1983 |
Lombardo | Michael | 1983 |
Lomma | Josephine | 1983 |
Sasso | James | 1983 |
Sergi | Thomas | 1983 |
Class of 84 | Age 47 | |
Bernier | Larisa | 1984 |
Boccuzzi | Carl | 1984 |
D'Agostino | Mary | 1984 |
D'Angelo | Jon | 1984 |
D'Aversa | John | 1984 |
Grante | Kristine | 1984 |
Guerrera | Gina | 1984 |
Jannetty | Mark | 1984 |
Kelly | Maura | 1984 |
Mancini | Michelina | 1984 |
Martin | Diana | 1984 |
Parrilla | Rosemary | 1984 |
Perugini | Maryanne | 1984 |
Sarandrea | Joseph | 1984 |
Class of 85 | Age 46 | |
Cipriano | Maria | 1985 |
Cucciniello | Elizabeth | 1985 |
Darling | Mary | 1985 |
De Riu | Loredana | 1985 |
Evon | Nancy | 1985 |
Grella | Shannon | 1985 |
Guerrera | Nella | 1985 |
Jennings | Kim | 1985 |
Johnston | Robert | 1985 |
Lavalee | Steven | 1985 |
Lombardo | Judith | 1985 |
Lucarelli | John | 1985 |
McKelvey | Nicole | 1985 |
Mills | Alicia | 1985 |
Moffo | Jeffrey | 1985 |
Perugini | Anthony | 1985 |
Petta | Diana | 1985 |
Ricciardi | Imma | 1985 |
Ruman | Christine | 1985 |
Smith | Theodore | 1985 |
Class of 86 | Age 45 | |
Bartlett | Audra | 1986 |
Boulanger | Michael | 1986 |
Cipriano | Albert | 1986 |
D'Angelo | Ann | 1986 |
Dionne | Robert | 1986 |
Fox | Kimberly | 1986 |
Hosko | Shannon | 1986 |
LaCapra | Carolyn | 1986 |
Lombardo | Diane | 1986 |
Lomma | Vincent | 1986 |
Lucarelli | Jill Marie | 1986 |
Mastropietro | Rocco | 1986 |
Peckonis | Lori | 1986 |
Puma | Joseph | 1986 |
Ricciardella | Giovanna | 1986 |
Tomasiewicz | William | 1986 |
Valerio | Kelly | 1986 |
Varanelli | Mark | 1986 |
Varanelli | Mark | 1986 |
Class of 87 | Age 44 | |
Darling | Ellen | 1987 |
De A Riu | Marco | 1987 |
Fox | Michael | 1987 |
Gioeilli | Lorenzo | 1987 |
Grella | Jenna | 1987 |
Kane | Christopher | 1987 |
Kozloski | James | 1987 |
Lavallee | Michele | 1987 |
Liedlich | Tina | 1987 |
Luddy | Kimberly | 1987 |
Martinelli | Paul | 1987 |
Mays | Brian | 1987 |
Montzlis | MaryJane | 1987 |
O'Neil | Allen | 1987 |
Pepice | Patricia | 1987 |
Perugini | Elizabeth | 1987 |
Ruby | Michelle | 1987 |
Smith | Michelle | 1987 |
Toolan | Daniel | 1987 |
Trocchi | Jessica | 1987 |
Vaccarelli | Lorenzo | 1987 |
Wilson | Len | 1987 |
Class of 88 | Age 43 | |
Biello | Claudia | 1988 |
Biello | Marisa | 1988 |
Bowie | John | 1988 |
Calabrese | Frank | 1988 |
Dauphinais | Danielle | 1988 |
DelBuono | Simone | 1988 |
DiSapio | Carmine | 1988 |
D'Uva | Matthew | 1988 |
Guerrera | John | 1988 |
Juskevicius | Victor | 1988 |
LeBel | Michelle | 1988 |
Luddy | Jeffrey | 1988 |
Luddy | Jennifer | 1988 |
Mancini | Steven | 1988 |
Margiotta | John | 1988 |
Mays | Michele | 1988 |
Morton | Stephen | 1988 |
Petrucci | Michael | 1988 |
Ruman | Lisa | 1988 |
Sabani | Alberesha | 1988 |
Sabia | Mark | 1988 |
Theriault | Roger | 1988 |
Toma | Andrew | 1988 |
Toma | Martin | 1988 |
Trocchi | Vania | 1988 |
Class of 89 | Age 42 | |
Carbone | Antonio | 1989 |
Cherubino | Richard | 1989 |
Cutrali | Michelle | 1989 |
Dell'Anno | Anthony | 1989 |
DiBona | Diane | 1989 |
DiFiore | Annarita | 1989 |
Donofrio | Justin | 1989 |
Guerrera | Michelangelo | 1989 |
Guerrera | Robert | 1989 |
Jandreau | Julie | 1989 |
Khouri | Ziad | 1989 |
Kinnear | Nina | 1989 |
Kozloski | Dawn | 1989 |
Lucarelli | Jay | 1989 |
Mancini | Joseph | 1989 |
Morrone | Vincent | 1989 |
Provancher | Heather | 1989 |
Santone | Steven | 1989 |
Shortell | Jennifer | 1989 |
Varanelli | Nina | 1989 |
Class of 90 | Age 41 | |
Bachelor | Michael | 1990 |
Carlson | Jonathan | 1990 |
Catapano | Joseph | 1990 |
Christoff | Jennifer | 1990 |
D'Agostino | Anthony | 1990 |
Dalesio | Dana | 1990 |
D'Antino | Regina | 1990 |
DelCarmine | Joseph | 1990 |
Guerrera | Michael | 1990 |
Guerrera | Savareo | 1990 |
Johnson | Amy | 1990 |
LaFrance | Jaime | 1990 |
Lombardo | Mark | 1990 |
Mancini | Rose | 1990 |
Mautino | Jason | 1990 |
Ribeiro | Marilene | 1990 |
Ruby | Christine | 1990 |
Skiadiotis | Julie | 1990 |
Terry | Richard | 1990 |
Theriault | Catherine | 1990 |
Class of 91 | Age 40 | |
De Riu | Roberto | 1991 |
DeRosimo | Joseph | 1991 |
Garro | Enzo | 1991 |
McMahon | Jaime | 1991 |
Myshrall | Ritchie | 1991 |
Narciso, III | Raymond | 1991 |
Poulin | Lindsey | 1991 |
Provancher | Eileen | 1991 |
Ruby | Brian | 1991 |
Tamburini | Raeanne | 1991 |
Melissa | 1991 |
Class of 92 | Age 39 | |
Biello | Christina | 1992 |
Buonocore | Erica | 1992 |
Cook | Nicole | 1992 |
Corbo | Colin J. | 1992 |
DiFiore | Joseph | 1992 |
Donofrio | Laura | 1992 |
LaFrance | Amanda | 1992 |
LaPorta | Robert | 1992 |
Pontelandolfo | Tara | 1992 |
Ribeiro | Joao | 1992 |
Therrien | Lori | 1992 |
Winn | Jennifer | 1992 |
Class of 93 | Age 38 | |
Amodeo | Corinne | 1993 |
Bellotti | Melissa | 1993 |
Capobianco | Laurie | 1993 |
Cavallari | Christopher | 1993 |
DeSena | Susan | 1993 |
Garofalo | Paul | 1993 |
Grosso | Kristen | 1993 |
Guerrera | Danielle | 1993 |
Guerrera | Nicholas | 1993 |
Guerrera | Sergio | 1993 |
Iosa | Anthony | 1993 |
Khouri | Mark | 1993 |
Kusako | Herbert | 1993 |
Mancuso | Katherine | 1993 |
Margiotta | Lysa | 1993 |
Montzolis | Andrew | 1993 |
Morrone | Lisa | 1993 |
Mucciacciaro | Jennifer | 1993 |
Narciso | Vincent | 1993 |
Ortelle | Carrie | 1993 |
Owens | Stephanie | 1993 |
Paulone | Angela | 1993 |
Piccochi | Anthony | 1993 |
Rakiposki | John | 1993 |
Rinaldi | Orazio | 1993 |
Class of 94 | Age 37 | |
Anderson | Erica | 1994 |
Bell | Thomas | 1994 |
Biello | Frank | 1994 |
Damicis | Joelle | 1994 |
Guisto | Jennifer | 1994 |
Holick | Cara | 1994 |
Izzo | Leah | 1994 |
Kohlberg | Michael | 1994 |
Lopes | Marco | 1994 |
Lydem | Joseph | 1994 |
McCarthy | Melissa | 1994 |
Owens | Theresa | 1994 |
Pisani | Amy | 1994 |
Vaccarelli | William | 1994 |
Verardo | Massimo | 1994 |
Zimmermann | Kelly | 1994 |
Class of 95 | Age 36 | |
Almodovar | Michelle | 1995 |
Buonocore | Stephanie | 1995 |
Caiazzo | Kristen | 1995 |
DiGiovanni | Henry | 1995 |
Grosso | Melissa | 1995 |
Guisto | Amy | 1995 |
Harvey | Jessica | 1995 |
Iosa | Jackelyn | 1995 |
Klemeshefsky | Sara | 1995 |
Mucciacciaro | Robert | 1995 |
Paquet | Patrick | 1995 |
Piccochi | Rayanne | 1995 |
Poulin | Francis | 1995 |
Sichau | Alan | 1995 |
Smedes | Deidre | 1995 |
Sullivan | Carly | 1995 |
Therrien | Stacie | 1995 |
Vasiliou | Koulla | 1995 |
Class of 96 | Age 35 | |
Amodeo | Michael | 1996 |
Barbagallo | Antonino | 1996 |
Barriault | Stephanie | 1996 |
Bascetta | Paul | 1996 |
Cavallari | Daniel | 1996 |
Cipriano | Alicia | 1996 |
Costello | Christopher | 1996 |
Damicis | Joseph | 1996 |
Famiglietti | Marissa | 1996 |
Giannelli | Jessica | 1996 |
Gray | Thomas | 1996 |
Holick | Jennifer | 1996 |
Laperriere | Jolene | 1996 |
LaPorta | Todd | 1996 |
Lewin | Melissa | 1996 |
Michaud | Andre | 1996 |
Paulone | Matthew | 1996 |
Polletta | Josephine | 1996 |
Rodriguez | Melissa | 1996 |
Toma | Emily | 1996 |
Zindros | Chrisaguli | 1996 |
Ziogas | Diana | 1996 |
Class of 97 | Age 34 | |
Barbino | Nicholas | 1997 |
Bell | Nicholas | 1997 |
Eltman | Joseph | 1997 |
Harvey | Loran | 1997 |
Hayes | Erin | 1997 |
Kusako | Vanessa | 1997 |
Lawlor | Ryan | 1997 |
Paquet | Natalie | 1997 |
Paternostro | Thomas | 1997 |
Piccochi | Christina | 1997 |
Stasiunas | Jaime | 1997 |
Class of 98 | Age 33 | |
Barbagallo | Cesareo | 1998 |
Binette | Jennifer | 1998 |
Chiarella | John | 1998 |
Damicis | Randy | 1998 |
Donahue | Blair | 1998 |
Elmendorf | Jennifer | 1998 |
Fortin | Jamie | 1998 |
Laperriere | Jeffrey | 1998 |
Marold | Rebecca | 1998 |
Martins | Brian | 1998 |
Matozzo | Vincent | 1998 |
Rinaldi | Michael | 1998 |
Sacchetti | Joseph | 1998 |
Schirillo | Nicole | 1998 |
Tramuta | Joseph | 1998 |
Class of 99 | Age 32 | |
Cirillo | Sylvia | 1999 |
Garra | Giuseppina | 1999 |
Giannelli | Nicole | 1999 |
Michaud | Peter | 1999 |
Michitsch | Shanna | 1999 |
Moura | Steven | 1999 |
Palladino | Francis | 1999 |
Patrick | Justin | 1999 |
Paulone | Michael | 1999 |
Rinaldi | Anna | 1999 |
Shehu | Karl | 1999 |
Sichau | Brian | 1999 |
Class of 2000 | Age 31 | |
Elmendorf | Paul | 2000 |
Grande | Allison | 2000 |
LaPointe | Michael | 2000 |
Lee | Paul | 2000 |
Martins | Patricia | 2000 |
Matozzo | Anthony | 2000 |
Porzio | Thomas | 2000 |
Sacchetti | Christopher | 2000 |
Sambuco | Dora | 2000 |
Schiaroli | Joseph | 2000 |
Class of 2001 | Age 30 | |
Anton | Kayleigh | 2001 |
Barbagallo | Marco | 2001 |
Dunn | Caitlin | 2001 |
Guerrera | Michael | 2001 |
Klemeshefsky | Kristin | 2001 |
Lanouette | Todd | 2001 |
Laperriere | Janet | 2001 |
Michaud | Brian | 2001 |
Place | Melissa | 2001 |
Ricard | Erica M. | 2001 |
Rinaldi | Frank | 2001 |
Ryan | William | 2001 |
Spinelli | Frank | 2001 |
Trued | Justin | 2001 |
Vallillo | Richard | 2001 |
Class of 2002 | Age 29 | |
Anton | Michael | 2002 |
Blakeley | Karen | 2002 |
Byllo | Angela | 2002 |
Chiarella | Jennifer | 2002 |
Diana | Michael | 2002 |
Lance | Kyle | 2002 |
Lapointe | Jacqueline | 2002 |
Lewin | Jason | 2002 |
Ramirez | Lyana | 2002 |
Raymond | Justin | 2002 |
Rinaldi | Christina | 2002 |
Theriault | Joseph | 2002 |
Class of 2003 | Age 28 | |
Balnis | Daniel | 2003 |
Bright | Christopher | 2003 |
Carusello | Joseph | 2003 |
Corbo | Stephen | 2003 |
George | Robert | 2003 |
Grande | Steven | 2003 |
Harisi | Bob | 2003 |
Holick | Kaitlyn | 2003 |
Martin | Kyle | 2003 |
Pronovost | Rosemary | 2003 |
Shehu | Lisa | 2003 |
Sheridan | Lauren | 2003 |
Spinelli | Anthony | 2003 |
Tajildeen | Salman | 2003 |
Trerice | Robert | 2003 |
Class of 2004 | Age 27 | |
Albanese | Vittoria | 2004 |
Albino | Alyssa | 2004 |
Anton | Steven | 2004 |
Casillas | Efrain | 2004 |
Cirillo | Juliana | 2004 |
Conway | Meaghan | 2004 |
Dellano | Chelsea | 2004 |
Dunn | Kelsey | 2004 |
Fermin | Ken | 2004 |
Gaetani | Caitlyn | 2004 |
Lagasse | Kyle | 2004 |
Lanouette | Gwenn | 2004 |
Lorenzo | Michelle | 2004 |
Maisto | William | 2004 |
Mancini | Bridget | 2004 |
Martinez | John | 2004 |
Michael | Urania | 2004 |
Pereira | Kelly | 2004 |
Phillips | Ashton | 2004 |
Putetti | Scott | 2004 |
Rinaldi | Alexis | 2004 |
Ritucci | Nicole | 2004 |
Shin | Christina | 2004 |
Silva | Alexis | 2004 |
Spinelli | Lucille | 2004 |
Class of 2005 | Age 26 | |
Anderson | Alexandra | 2005 |
Antunes | Victor | 2005 |
Brown | Joe | 2005 |
Camera | Mike | 2005 |
Caporale | Tom | 2005 |
Corbo | John | 2005 |
DiVito | M.J. | 2005 |
Grieco | Kim | 2005 |
Javier | Nicole | 2005 |
Lewin | Jillian | 2005 |
Macelis | Max | 2005 |
Marino | Alisa | 2005 |
Matic | Michael | 2005 |
Muchemi | Dennis | 2005 |
Ramos | Aline | 2005 |
Shopel | Chris | 2005 |
St Hilaire | Krystal | 2005 |
Torres | Amanda | 2005 |
Vitone | Chris | 2005 |
Zailckas | Patrick | 2005 |
Class of 2006 | Age 25 | |
Curtin | Spencer | 2006 |
Jones | Amanda | 2006 |
Julian | Katelyn | 2006 |
LaChance | Erik | 2006 |
Losty | Brianna | 2006 |
Mancini | Rocco | 2006 |
Massicotte | Joseph | 2006 |
Smitley | Amber | 2006 |
Class of 2007 | Age 24 | |
Bell | Milek | 2007 |
Bond | Jordan | 2007 |
Centeno | James | 2007 |
Ciaralli | Jennifer | 2007 |
Cyr | Brittany | 2007 |
Dellano | Jillian | 2007 |
Ettienne | Stephen | 2007 |
Ferraro | Brianna | 2007 |
Gary | Amber | 2007 |
Gjoni | Besard | 2007 |
Hale | Sean | 2007 |
Harge | Maytae | 2007 |
Ifill | Rohan | 2007 |
Iorio | Erinn | 2007 |
Lombardi | Rachel | 2007 |
Losty | Aubrinne | 2007 |
Mangini | Danielle | 2007 |
Marcelynas | Therese | 2007 |
Marquis | Michael | 2007 |
Massicotte | Jennifer | 2007 |
Medina | Celin | 2007 |
Nonamaker | Anthony | 2007 |
Northway | Jamie | 2007 |
Paco | Michelle | 2007 |
Pages | Raphael | 2007 |
Petroniro | Melissa | 2008 |
Rhikki | Anthony | 2007 |
Stafford | Scott | 2007 |
Taylor | Megan | 2007 |
Tripodi | Gianluca | 2007 |
Valerio | Kimberly | 2007 |
Class of 2008 | Age 23 | |
Anderson | Cassandra | 2008 |
Catuccio | Jennifer | 2008 |
Catuccio | Robert | 2008 |
Christiano | Gloria | 2008 |
Christiano | Nicholas | 2008 |
Coatta | Michael | 2008 |
Damascena | Kamilla | 2008 |
Diaz | Kyle | 2008 |
DiCarlo | Marika | 2008 |
DosSantos | Kayla | 2008 |
Egan | John | 2008 |
Hofler | Gregory | 2008 |
Karmuza | Lukas | 2008 |
Lawton | Jeffrey | 2008 |
Lopez | Alexander | 2008 |
Mancini | Anthony | 2008 |
Messias | Dominick | 2008 |
Muchemi | Flaviah | 2008 |
Pelletier | Stacey | 2008 |
Petroniro | Krista | 2008 |
Rosa | Andrew | 2008 |
Sheetz | Brianna | 2008 |
Silva | Mark | 2008 |
Sperry | Melanie | 2008 |
Tripodi | Giuseppe | 2008 |
Class of 2009 | Age 22 | |
Antunes | Auziana | 2009 |
Berry | Christofer | 2009 |
Brinn | Jake | 2009 |
Couture | Alexandra | 2009 |
Edwards | Kyle | 2009 |
Gaetani | Cristen | 2009 |
Gagnon | Kyle | 2009 |
Galullo | Justin | 2009 |
Hoft | Patrick | 2009 |
Hubert | Alivia | 2009 |
Jaye | Brittney | 2009 |
Johnson | Laura | 2009 |
Kalosky | Kevin | 2009 |
McCarthy | Collin | 2009 |
Mebane | Kenneth | 2009 |
Pages | Eduarda | 2009 |
Pages | Ricardo | 2009 |
Class of 2010 | Age 21 | |
Boland | Haley | 2010 |
Couture | Michaela | 2010 |
Flammia | Richard | 2010 |
Johnson | Elijah | 2010 |
Kendall | Daniel | 2010 |
LaChance | Kali | 2010 |
Lombardi | Vincent | 2010 |
Mancinone | Gabrielle | 2010 |
Masse | David | 2010 |
Mcgrenery | Ryan | 2010 |
Parker | Kayleigh | 2010 |
Smith | Austin | 2010 |
Temporale | Victoria | 2010 |
Tripodi | Gabriele | 2010 |